Napoli ricorda Annalisa Durante, vittima innocente della Camorra. Evento commemorativo organizzato per cambiare il quartiere in suo onore. #AnnalisaDurante #Camorra #Napoli

20° anniversario omicidio Annalisa Durante, Napoli, Camorra




Il giorno in cui me l’hanno portata via ho capito di dover realizzare il desiderio di mia figlia: cambiare il volto di questo quartiere. Mercoledì nel parco a lei dedicato una iniziativa della scuola media ‘Italo Calvino’ e del consiglio di quartiere in memoria della giovane Annalisa Durante coinvolta a 14 anni in una sparatoria di camorra nel cuore di Napoli il 27 marzo 2004. Per l’omicidio è stato condannato Salvatore. L’evento rientra nelle iniziative organizzate in occasione della Giornata Internazionale Zero Waste Day, istituita dall’Onu, in calendario…

Annalisa Durante remembered in Naples on the 20th anniversary of her murder

Tomorrow, the city of Naples will hold commemorations for the 20th anniversary of the killing of Annalisa Durante, a young innocent victim of the Camorra. Annalisa was tragically involved in a Camorra shootout at the tender age of 14, on March 27, 2004, in the heart of Naples. The commemorative event, organized by the Italo Calvino middle school and the neighborhood council, will take place in the park dedicated to Annalisa. This event is part of the activities scheduled for the International Zero Waste Day established by the United Nations…

“The day they took her away, I realized I had to fulfill my daughter’s wish: to change the face of this neighborhood.”


  • Annalisa Durante was tragically involved in a Camorra shootout at the age of 14
  • She was killed on March 27, 2004, in Naples
  • The commemorative event is organized by the Italo Calvino middle school and the neighborhood council
  • The event is part of the activities for the International Zero Waste Day, established by the United Nations
  • The purpose of the event is to honor Annalisa and bring attention to the need for change in the neighborhood

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